My favourite time of the year. The colours and smell of this magical season are both relaxing and invigorating at the same time.
Special Feature - MENDELSON JOE
Or if you want, we can call him Joe Mendelson, but however we refer to him he was quite a character. That description is easy - the rest is quite a bit more complicated in the types of art he produced, his music, his books and his political commentary. He really should be a Canadian Icon.
Born Birrell Josef Mendelson in Toronto, Ontario – Mendelson Joe was a self- taught tour de force in multiple artistic disciplines including music, painting and writing. He was a nonconformist in the best sense of the word, a square peg in a round-hole world.
This issue really should be called the ART ISSUE because that is all that is in it. No food, no home and design. Four fabulous artists showcasing their original work.
SUSIE CIPOLLA captures both the landscape and the animals walking on the earth. Her bears are expressive and vivid, while her cars and boats are colourful and warm.
EMILY LOZERON showcases the beautiful outdoors, with waterfalls, rivers and lakes. Her musical birds are captivating and inspirational.
CINDY REVELL portrays what the world should look like from an artist’s playful heart and soul. The paintings are sure to put a smile on your face.
RAY SWIRSKY paintings are from the perspective of the “great outdoors”. His buffalo and bison are spectacular and capture the sky and the land they roam on.
Top Left, Game Night, oil on canvas, 24” x 30"
Top Right, Ray Swirsky in front of one of his paintings
Game Night
oil on canvas, 24" x 30"
Ray Swirsky is an oil painter based in Calgary, AB, Canada. Having grown up in the small mountain town of Kimberley, BC, Ray has never lost his connection with nature, and his love of the mountains and all things western which can be seen in the bulk of his paintings.(Story Page 167)
We chose Ray’s painting because it reminds us that in the autumn months going into winter it is always great to curl up in front of the fire and who wouldn’t want to play chess with these beautiful dogs. It is a lovely painting which captures not only the mood of fall but also a sense of playfulness and warmth.
Be safe, be well. Adios, Ciao and Namaste. See you soon.