A Credible & Respected Reference Tool!
For 96% of readers ARABELLA is a major reference for what's new in Canadian Arts, Architecture and Design. The monthly digital version of the magazine utilizes the power of a global content distribution network, social media and a network of arts organizations and individual creators to reach a global audience quickly and reliably.
Social Media Promotion & Amplification
Amplify your message with ARABELLA's social media network! ARABELLA has a loyal and steadily growing number of Facebook fans, as well as Twitter and Blog followers (9000+ total). With a reach that well exceeds 200,000 readers.
ARABELLA's social media networks add incredible amplification for your advertising message and investment! ARABELLA's daily Facebook status updates, Instagram, Tweets and Blog postings (often exceeding 10+ updates every day) provide timely information to highlight your products, special events, sales, and breaking news.
Mobile Apps Extend Your Reach Globally

Our mobile and on-line readership is expanding internationally as a result of our new responsive digital platform and our growing network of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter fans and followers.
- Premium Pages - up to 20 placements are available throughout the key magazine sections (Editorial, Artists to Collect, Home & Design, and Short Stories & Book Reviews). Ads are full digital page and can include web site links, video links and customized audio feedback for stories.
- The Gallery Showcase - provides up to 12 advertisers an opportunity to present new works and emerging artists through images, text and web site links.
- The Product & Service Pavillion - provides 8-10 advertisers and sponsors an opportunity to be part of a valuable reader resource. This Pavilion can include special offers, information, pictures, web site links, how-to information, ask-the-expert videos, and more. Goods and services can be showcased on monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual contract terms.
The new ARABELLA digital platform offers a number of unique digital ad spaces in desktop and responsive reading experiences for sponsors who wish to have a prominent place throughout the magazine. A Prime Sponsor has prominent positioning in the Premium Pages, the Gallery Showcase and the Product/Service Pavillion as well as customized positioning in several unique messaging and advertising features listed below:
- Front Cover Presentation Page
An exclusive space on the desktop presentation to the left of the front cover to display any full page ad. This cover page location is particularly beneficial to digital sponsors. Back page ads can also serve as an important part of a sponsor package.
- Special Attention (Interstitial) Ad Page
Designed to appear when the reader hits a particular page of the magazine. The full page ads appear and must be dismissed to continue reading. We suggest locating the sponsor interstitial ad early in the reading experience or in association with key content.
- Premium Responsive Ad
These ads are the optimal way to present advertisements to readers. Ads appear as a tile of content in line with the editorial content. When clicked on, the reader can experience the scrollable ad full screen. The ad can include unlimited text, as well as images and video.
- Launch Pad Ad
This advertising unit is consistent across the various views of the magazine. It is prominently located in the digital menu available from the reading toolbar. The Sponsor's Launch Pad ad features sponsor's name - linkable to the URL of choice.
Direct URL Links
Digital issues can provide advertisers and readers with numerous location for direct
hot links to web site information regarding products, special events, sales and latest news.
Responsive & Timely Advertising
Monthly digital publications provide timely access for communicating with clients and industry networks.
Widen Your Horizons!
ARABELLA combines high end print with on-line and mobile distribution to ensure advertisers reach all possible audiences!
Whether you sell locally, nationally or internationally, you can now advertise in an exquisite, prestigious magazine in multiple formats and reach more affluent consumers and art collectors.
To learn more about available sponsorship and advertising programs and pricing please